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"Robert J. ==> Re: DIYEFI FAQ
From owner-diy_efi-archive Mon Dec 16 01:30:50 1996
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Date: Sun, 15 Dec 1996 20:26:45 -0500
From: "Robert J. Korn" <>
Organization: Chapdelaine & Co.
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To: diy_efi
Subject: Re: DIYEFI FAQ
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George M. Dailey wrote:
> I'v been thinking about writing a FAQ
> on the GM ALDL thing, but it will be a while before I do. I've been
> collecting the posts on ALDL for about a year. I'll simply put them all
I posted this message last month but never saw it come back.
This is a rs232 to ttl level converter that should work for the 8192
baud ecm's.
I used it a few times on non auto related projects. I haven't tried it
on a car. You can delete the inverter if if you want a one way
The serial data would seem to be two way. The data line also goes to
the ABS brake controller. I saw a thread about the possible
interaction between the brakes and the ecm. According to the wiring
in my car its possible........
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+-------------+ +
+-----------|1 16|---+---o +5V (VCC)
+| +| | ===
=== +5V o-||-|2 MAX232 15|---+---o GND (card & RS-232)
| | |
+-----------|3 14|
+ | | o +5V
+---||---|4 13| |
| | | \
+--------|5 12| / 10K
+ | | \
GND o-||-|6 11| /
| | |
RxD o----|7 ---<--- 10|--------+----------+----o ALDL I/O
| | |\ |
TxD o----|8 --->--- 9|--------------| |--+
+-------------+ 1|/ 2
(also connect to 74LS07, pin 7=GND, pin 14=VCC)
John S. Gwynne <>